Conference Information
ICSMSE 2019: International Conference on Smart Materials and Structural Engineering
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Guilin, China
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Call For Papers
ICSMSE 2019 is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Smart Materials and Structural Engineering to a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in Smart Materials and Structural Engineering and another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working all around the world. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Smart Materials and Structural Engineering and related areas.

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

1.Advances in Instrumentation Technology
2. Applications Traffic Control and Information
3. Applied Materials and Technology
4. Applied Mechanics
5. Architectural Environment & Equipment Engineering
6. Architecture and Building Materials
7. Atom -Surface Interactions
8. Atomic and molecular interactions
9. Atomic tests of fundamental physics
10. Automation, Mechatronics and Robotics
11. Automotive Engineering
12. Biomechanics
13. Biophysics and Systems Biology
14. Bridge Engineering
15. Building Energy Saving Technology
16. Building Structure
17. Building Technology
18. Case Studies of Structural Failures
19. Civil, Environmental and Structural Engineering
20. Coastal Engineering
21. Composite and Smart Materials
22. Computational Mechanics
23. Computing Methods
24. Concrete Structures
25. Construction and Control
26. Construction Management
27. Construction Materials
28. Damage Mechanics, Fracture and Fatigue
29. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
30. Durability and Long-Term Performance of Structures
31. Emerging Areas of Materials Science
32. Environment-Friendly Construction and Development
33. FRP Applications in Construction
34. Full-Scale Testing of Structures
35. Geographical Information Systems
36. Geological Engineering
37. Geotechnical Engineering
38. Green Building Materials
39. Green Construction and Environmental Protection
40. High-Performance Concrete and Steel
41. Hydraulic Engineering
42. Industrial Materials
43. Information Technology for Materials
44. Instrumentation and measurement
45. Laminated Composites
46. Life-Cycle Performance of Structures
47. Light Metals for Transportation
48. Lightweight Structures
49. Material Quality and Control
50. Materials Manufacturing and Processing
51. Materials Properties, Measuring Methods and Applications
52. Materials Science and Engineering
53. Measurement System and Theory
54. Mechanical Applications
55. Metallic Structures
56. Mining and Metallurgy
57. Monitoring and Control of Structures
58. Nano Mechanics
59. Nanotechnology in Mechanics and Materials Science
60. Nuclear power and the environment
61. Nuclear power in the world: Status and prospects
62. Operation and Maintenance
63. Operational Safety for Nuclear Power Plants
64. Optics and Laser Technology
65. Performance-Based Structural Engineering
66. Plant Safety Assessment and Regulatory Issues
67. Reliability and Durability of Structures
68. Risk Assessment and Management
69. Safety and Monitoring
70. Seismic Engineering
71. Smart Materials and Structures
72. Space Structures and Long-Span Roofs
73. Steel-Concrete Composite Construction
74. Structural Engineering and Disaster Reduction
75. Structural Materials
76. Structural Operation and Maintenance
77. Structural Safety and Reliability
78. Surface Science and Engineering
79. Tall Buildings and Long-Span Bridges
80. Transportation Engineering
81. Transportation Technology Urban
82. Underground Facilities Hydraulic Engineering
83. Urban Engineering
84. Water Resources Integrated management
85. Water Resources Sustainable development
86. Water Supply and Drainage Engineering Architecture and Urban Planning
87. Other related topics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-06-02
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