Conference Information
IC-MSQUARE 2017: International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences
Submission Date:
2017-08-18 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Pafos, Cyprus
Viewed: 10876   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Welcome to the official website of the International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences. The conference is to be held at Pafos, Cyprus during August 28-31, 2017. The conference aims to promote the knowledge and the development of high-quality research in mathematical fields that have to do with the applications of other scientific fields and the modern technological trends that appear in them, these fields being those of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Economics, Sociology, Environmental sciences etc.

All Conference related actions (submission, registration etc) are performed on-line by creating an account. After that, authors can login and have access to a number of tools for submitting a paper, proposing for a workshop, registering, send requests, manage their reviews etc. 

Conference topics

Engineering systems, Environmental systems, Operation research, Applications in medicine, Biotechnology, Logistics and planning, Medicine

Applied Mathematics
Fractional calculus, Numerical methods, ODE's and PDE's, Financial mathematics, Fuzzy logic, Efficient solvers, Nonlinear problems, Bifurcations, Stability, Chaos and Fractals

Computational Chemistry
Techniques in Computational Chemistry, Molecular vibrations, Drug design, QM/MM approach to Computational Chemistry, Molecular dynamics

Modeling in Education

Evolutionary Computation
Evolutionary methods

Mathematical Modeling in Applications of Fundamental Physics
Weather forecast, Climate change, Earth science, Planetary science, Biophysics, Materials science, Prediction of natural phenomena, Interdisciplinary applications

Mathematical Modeling in Applied Physics
Semiconductor devices, Thin films, Superconductors, Organic molecules, Bioelectronics, Infrastructure design

Mathematical Modeling in Fundamental Physics
High-energy physics, Particle physics, Nuclear physics, Atomic physics, Molecular physics, Gravitation, Cosmology, Astrophysics, Plasma physics, Electrodynamics, Fluid dynamics, Condensed-matter physics, Chemical physics, Chaos, Statistical physics, Sociophysics

Model formulation, Automation of modeling, Computer modeling, Qualitative modeling, Modular modeling and interdisciplinary modeling, Learning networks / uncertainties in modeling, Methodologies for model validation, Fitting mathematical models to real processes, Multiscale modeling, multiphysics modeling

Scientific Computation
Algorithms for scientific computation, Parallel algorithms and parallel computing, Grid computations, Mathematical programming, Heuristics, metaheuristics or simulation, Complex physical and technical systems, Experimental data processing, Distributed scientific computing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-08-05
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