UCAmI 2018: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient ‪Intelligence
2018-06-01 Extended
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
閲覧: 9584   追跡: 0   出席: 0

Track Topics

Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL)

    Monitoring and management of chronic and non-chronic diseases in AAL.
     Solutions for active aging, social integration and self-care.
     Learning, Training and Coaching systems to promote healthy life in AAL environments.
     Stress, burden and quality of life of caregivers and other healthcare professionals.
     Security and privacy in AAL.
     Behaviour analysis in AAL environments.
     Experiences and study cases in AAL.
     Smart homes and sensor networks for AAL.
     Context-Awareness in AAL environments.
     Middleware and frameworks for AAL.
     Standards and interoperability.

Human-Computer Interaction

     Natural User Interface.
     Human-Centric Interfaces for AmI environments.
     Multimodal Interface.
     Use of context and location information in user interfaces.
     Novel input devices.
     Robot-Human interaction.
     Human-Ambient Interaction.
     Mobile Interfaces.
     Affective Interfaces.
     User modeling.
     Personalization and adaptation of user interfaces.
     Ubiquitous and ambient displays.
     User experience in Ambient Computing.
     Interaction with smart objects.
     Tangible and wearable interfaces.
     Brain computer interaction.
     Evaluation of interfaces in Ambient and Ubiquitous environments.
     Mobile Augmented Reality.
     New methods and methodologies for Evaluation.
     Theoretical aspects of HCI.
     Adaptive interfaces.
     Case studies for users with special needs.
     Cultural aspects of design.
    HCI & e-Learning
     Context awareness in learning process

Health (AmIHEALTH)

    Health, wellness and disease monitoring.
     Communication, cloud, fog and network architectures for Health.
     Education and e-Learning systems in Health domains.
     Knowledge management for health: context, cognition, behavior and user modeling.
     Data Science for Health environments.
     Health ecosystems: frameworks, models and methodologies.
     Interaction, social and user experience within Health environments.
     Gamification and Serious Games for Health
     Mobile and ubiquitous Health.
     Smart technologies and algorithms for Health
     Health Education

Internet of Things (IoT) and Sensors

     IoT enabling technologies, techniques and methods.
     IoT application and services.
     Current and future trends in IoT.
     IoT societal impacts.
     Security, privacy and trust in IoT.
     IoT interoperability, integration and performance.
     IoT experimental results and deployment scenarios.
     Human factors in IoT.
    Sensor design, integration and combination.
    Architectures, protocols and algorithms of sensor networks.
     Energy management, resource allocation, quality of service (QoS) and fault tolerance in Sensor Networks.
     Applications of hybrid sensor networks.
     Innovative real-world sensor deployments and applications.
     Sensor and actuator technologies in ambient assisted living contexts.

Smart Environments

     Adaptive Environments.
     Ambient Behavioural Analysis.
     Big data within Intelligent Environments.
     Design principle and guidelines for Intelligent Environments.
     Enabling intelligence within environments.
     Environmental Assistive Agents.
     Indirect/Inferred Sensing though environmental side channels.
     Industry 4.0: Environments, facilities and solutions.
     Intelligent Surveillance and Alerting.
     Smart Environments and e-learning process.
     Smart Classes
     Smart Labs
     Smart Campuses
    LPWAN technologies/long range communications.
    Pervasive Care Solutions.
     Predictive Maintenance.
     Retroactively provisioned smart environments.
     Resilient/Self-Healing Infrastructure technologies.
     Secure Access Control Solutions.
     Smart Cities - sensing, realisation and optimisation.
     Solutions enabling intelligent design, visualisation or simulation of intelligent environments.
最終更新 Dou Sun 2018-05-20
CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Automation and Remote Control0.600Springer0005-1179
Computers & Operations Research4.100Elsevier0305-0548
ACM Computing Surveys23.80ACM0360-0300
IEEE Letters of the Computer SocietyIEEE2573-9689
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements4.200Elsevier0955-7997
Applied Mathematics & Optimization1.600Springer0095-4616
Security InformaticsSpringer2190-8532
ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality1.500ACM1936-1955
bIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation14.30IEEE1089-778X
IET Electric Power ApplicationsIET1751-8660