Conference Information
CATA 2017: International Conference on Computers and Their Applications
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Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Viewed: 8631   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The 32nd International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA) provides an international forum for presentation and discussion of research on computers and their applications. CATA 2017 will feature contributed, as well as invited papers concerned with theory, practice and applications.

The conference also includes a best paper award, given for a paper presented at the conference. The topics will include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

    Artificial Intelligence
    Biomedical Engineering
    Bioinformatics and Geoinformatics
    Computer-Aided Design/Manufacturing
    Computer and Network Security
    Computer Architecture and VLSI
    Computer Graphics
    Computer Modeling
    Computer Networks
    Computer Simulation
    Computer Vision
    Computers and Education
    Computing Practice & Applications
    Control Systems
    Data Communications
    Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
    Digital Signal Processing
    Expert Systems
    Human-Computer Interface & Visualization
    Image Processing
    Information Systems
    Multimedia Applications
    Neural Networks
    Operating and Distributed Systems
    Parallel Processing
    Pattern Recognition
    Programming Languages
    Real-Time Computing
    Software Engineering and CASE
    Text Processing 

Submission Guidelines

Papers will be accepted only by electronic submission (PDF only). A full paper, including title, author's name(s) and affiliation, mailing address and email of the principal author, should be submitted before October 28, 2016 on The submitted manuscript should closely reflect the final paper as it will appear in the proceedings. The maximum paper length for the proceedings is six pages, with up to two additional pages accepted with page charges (6+2). Papers need to be formatted according to the ISCA conference template (PDF, LaTeX). If you encounter any difficulties during submission or if you require further information, please contact the Program Chair (cata2017 [at]

All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be submitted for indexing to major online indexes such as INSPEC and Scopus. The papers that are accepted and presented at the conference will be freely available online (Open Access). 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-10-02
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