Conference Information
ICCAAE 2016: International Conference on Computer Applications and Applied Electronics
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Taiyuan, China
Viewed: 9705   Tracked: 3   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
2016 4th International Conference on Engineering Materials,Architecture Science and Civil Engineering(ICCAAE 2016) provides an opportunity for prominent researchers, engineers and practitioners to present the latest research results, innovations, and potential future directions in engineering materials, architecture science and civil engineering.

The conference covers the following topics, but is not limited to these.     

Electronics and Communications Engineering
QoS Provisioning and Architectures
Telecommunication Services and Applications
Wireless Networking
Optical Communications
Multimedia Communications
Network Performance
Innovative Networking Technologies
Network Security
Network Planning and Design
Software Technology in communication Engineering
Information and Communication Engineering
Artificial Intelligence
Software Engineering
VLSI Design and Fabrication
Photonic Technologies
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Data Mining
Algorithms and Data Structures
Graphs and Combinatorics
E-commerce and E-learning
Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
Signal Processing
Embedded System
Communication and Wireless Systems
Multimedia Systems and Applications
Emerging Technologies
Applied Electronics
Embedded Systems
Reconfigurable Computing
VLSI Design
Biomedical Electronics
Industrial Electronics and Automations
Electronic Devices in Communications
Software Engineering in Electronics
Applications of Neural Networks
Industrial Automation and Control

Papers are invited on all aspects of computational intelligence in robotics and automation. Four pages are allowed for each paper. Up to four additional pages will be permitted with extra charge. Full-length papers in standard format must be submitted electronically in Word file format.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-08-10
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