Conference Information
SIMUTools 2017: International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques Date: |
2017-05-15 |
Notification Date: |
2017-06-12 |
Conference Date: |
2017-09-11 |
Location: |
Shenzhen, China |
Years: |
10 |
Viewed: 16271 Tracked: 4 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
SIMUTools 2017 is the 10th edition of the annual International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques. The conference focuses on a broad range of research challenges in the field of simulation, modeling and analysis, addressing current and future trends in simulation techniques, models, practices and software. The conference is dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary collaborative research in these areas and across a wide spectrum of application domains. Building on the success of the previous editions (2008-2016), this year's edition will provide an exciting forum for interaction among academic and industry researchers together with practitioners from both the simulation community and the different user communities. The conference will be held in Shenzhen, China's Silicon Valley. The conference invites submissions on the topics below in all application areas of simulation. Submissions in interdisciplinary areas are especially encouraged (e.g. Smart Cities, Health, Environment, Societal Challenges, Digital Humanities, Security, IT Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Business). The conference also invites posters and technical demonstrations that report on recent results, ongoing research or industrial case studies in the area of simulation. SIMUTools' general topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Simulation methods: discrete event, parallel and distributed simulation, time synchronization, load balancing and migration, model partitioning, hybrid simulation, simulation-interoperation, multi-resolution and multi-scale simulation Simulation techniques: service-oriented, agent-based, web-based, component-based, symbiotic simulation Simulation software: environments, tools, libraries, and frameworks Simulation performance: GPU-based simulation, simulation in the cloud, scalability, performance analysis Modeling formalisms: DEVS, Petri Nets, process algebras, state charts, and others Simulation verification, validation, accreditation, and analysis: benchmark models, simulation-based verification, workflows, simulation experiment design, and optimization Simulation packages:widely used frameworks such as Modelica, ns-2/3, OPNET, Qualnet, OMNET++, and other open source software for modeling and simulation
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-05-22
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Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
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Virtual Archaeology Review | Universitad Politecnica de Valencia | |
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Journal of Cheminformatics | 7.100 | Chemistry Central |
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