Conference Information
ICGT 2015: International Conference on Graph Transformation
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LAquila, Italy
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Call For Papers
Dynamic structures are a major cause for complexity when it comes to model and reason about systems. They occur in software architectures, configurations of artefacts such as code or models, pointer structures, databases, networks, etc. As interrelated elements, which may be added, removed, or change state, they form a fundamental modelling paradigm as well as a means to formalise and analyse systems. Applications include architectural reconfigurations, model transformations, refactoring, and evolution of a wide range of artefacts, where change can happen either at design or at run time. Dynamic structures occur also as part of semantic domains or computational model for formal modelling languages.

Based on the observation that all these can be represented as graphs and their changes modeled as graph transformations, theory and applications of graphs, graph grammars and graph transformation systems have been studied in our community for more than 40 years. The conference aims at fostering interaction within this community as well as attracting researchers from other areas to join us, either in contributing to the theory of graph transformation or by applying graph transformations to already known or novel areas, such as self-adaptive systems, overlay structures in cloud or P2P computing, advanced computational models for DNA computing, etc.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Foundations 	Applications
General models of graph transformation 	Model‐driven development and model transformations
Node-, edge-, and hyperedge replacement grammars 	Graph transformation languages
Parallel, concurrent, and distributed graph transformation 	Syntax and semantics of programming languages or domain‐specific languages
High-level and adhesive replacement systems 	Tool support for graph transformations
Term graph rewriting 	Model checking, validation, verification, simulation and animation
Computational models based on graph transformations 	Efficient algorithms (pattern matching, graph traversal etc.)
Hierarchical graphs and decompositions of graphs 	Software architecture, refactoring, and evolution
Graph theoretical properties of graph languages 	Workflows, business processes, and service‐oriented applications
Geometrical and topological aspects of graph transformation 	Self‐adaptive systems and ubiquitous computing
Automata on graphs and parsing of graph languages 	Natural computing
Analysis and verification of graph transformation systems 	Bioinformatics and system biology
Structuring and modularization concepts for transformation systems 	Applications in natural and engineering sciences
Graph transformation and Petri nets 	
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-01-10
Acceptance Ratio
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