Conference Information
SocialCom' 2024: International Conference on Social Computing and Networking
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Kaifeng, China
Viewed: 33661   Tracked: 10   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
The 17th lEEE International Conference on Social Computing and Networking (lEEE SocialCom 2024) is concerned with the intersection of social behaviour and computing systems, creating or recreating social conventions and contexts through the use of software and technology. Various social computing applications such as blogs, email, instant messaging, social networking (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ etc.), wikis, and social bookmarking have been widely popularised by providing digital platforms for social interaction. Such applications have been profoundly change social behaviours and digital life styles of humankind whilst pushing the boundaries of internet technologies. While people can enjoy or even indulge in the benefits such as freedom and convenience brought about by social computing, various critical issues such as trust, privacy, HCl design, and the modelling as well as understanding of social behaviours via computational means provide significant challenges.

SocialCom (Social Computing and Networking) was created to provide a prime international forum for researchers, industry practitioners and domain experts to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of Social Computing & Networking and its broadly related areas.

SocialCom 2024 topics include but are not limited to the following:

    Track 1: Systems and Architectures
        Business social software systems
        Social system design and architectures
        Modelling of social behaviour
        Social media infrastructure and cloud computing
        Web 2.0 and semantic web
        Service science and service oriented interaction design
    Track 2: Data and Analysis
        Big socialmedia data
        Social network analysis and mining
        Social media analytics and intelligence
        Computational models of social simulation
        Collaborative filtering, mining and prediction
        Cultural patterns and representation
    Track 3: Applications and Management
        Social computing applications and case studies
        Social policy and government management
        Social blog, micro-blog, public blog, internet forum
        Connected e-health in social networks
        Mobile commerce, handheld commerce and e-markets
        Social cognition and social intelligence
    Track 4: Technology and Security
        Innovative HCl and touch-screen models
        Fundamentals of social computing
        Handheld/mobile social computing
        Data mining and agent-based technology
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-24
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