Conference Information
ISCIS 2015: International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences
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London, UK
CORE: c   QUALIS: b2   Viewed: 12223   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
 This is the 30th Anniversary of the ISCIS series of conferences that have brought together computer scientists from around the world.

Papers submitted to ISCIS 2015 will cover relevant aspect of Computer Science and Engineering, they should be limited to 8 pages in Springer Lecture Notes Format, and present a research contribution written in a clear and concise manner, with experimental evidence or theoretical developments and proofs that support the claims of the paper.

The topics covered will include (but are not limited) to Computer Architectures and Digital Systems, Algorithms, Theory, Software Engineering, Data Engineering, Computational Intelligence, System Security, Computer Systems and Networks, Performance Modelling and Analysis, Distributed and Parallel Systems, Bioinformatics, Computer Vision and significant applications such as Medical Informatics and Imaging.

Authors are invited to submit original research papers that have not been published or submitted elsewhere. All papers will be peer reviewed and evaluated on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity. The Proceedings of many ISCIS Conferences were published by Springer as well as other major European and US Publishers.

As with previous conferences, ISCIS 2015 will be published in a major series, and we expect that top papers will also appear in major journals.

The 29th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2014) was held at the International Cultural Center, at the Main Square of Krakow Old City, Poland on October, 27--28, 2014. It was organised by the Institute of the Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Gliwice, Polish Academy of Sciences following the tradition of very successful previous ISCIS editions organised by Prof Erol Gelenbe, notably ISCIS 2013 and 2012 in Paris at the Institut Henri Poincaré, ISCIS 2011 and ISCIS 2010. All of these conferences have included invited presentations by leading contributors to the field of Computer Science, as well as peer-reviewed contributed research papers. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-03-01
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