Conference Information
AWC 2016: The Australasian Web Conference
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Canberra, Australia
Viewed: 13334   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The relentless growth in Internet functionality and broadband access has enabled a new wave of innovations that are transforming the way people and organisations interact, communicate, and collaborate. The third Australasian Web Conference (AWC) focuses on presenting original contributions on research, development, and applications, related to all fields of Web research.

AWC is part of the Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW). Registration to the Australasian Computer Science Conference enables delegates to attend sessions in any conference participating in ACSW. The proceedings will be included in the ACM digital library and indexed on Scopus and DBLP.

As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the World Wide Web, it continues to play a transformative role in all walks of life. It also provides a platform for exciting and innovative research on a wide range of themes. AWC 2015 aims to bring together researchers and PhD students who work on topics related to the Web in an effort to highlight the state-of-the-art, to discuss critical issues and opportunities, and to explore new research directions.

AWC 2015 invites submissions dealing with all areas of Web research, including but not limited to the following


    Semantic Web
    Linked open data
    Web mining
    Deep Web
    Emerging Web techniques
    Information retrieval
    Interfaces and accessibility
    Interoperability and heterogeneous systems
    Mobile Web
    Performance, scalability and availability
    Personalisation and recommender systems
    Security and privacy
    Social networks and communities
    Social Web and analytics
    Web of things
    Web search
    Service Web, Web services, and service-oriented computing
    XML and semi-structured data management
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-07-12
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