Conference Information
CHINACOM 2020: EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China
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Hangzhou, China
Viewed: 33431   Tracked: 21   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
Chinacom is a leading community-based organization devoted to the advancement of innovation in the field of ICT. The aim of Chinacom is to bring together Chinese and international researchers and practitioners in networking and communications under one roof, building a showcase of these fields in China. The conference will consist of technical symposia, panels, tutorials, and workshops. All submissions to this conference will be subject to rigorous peer review before included in the technical sessions.

Chinacom is being positioned as the premier international annual conference for the presentation of original and fundamental research advances in the field of communications, networks, image processing and internet applications.

The goal of this conference is to promote community-wide discussion identifying the advanced technologies and theories for communications, networking, and related research areas. We seek submissions of papers which invent new techniques, introduce new methodologies, propose new research directions and discuss approaches for unsolved issues.


The works that will be presented at the conference will focus on the following topics:

    Cognitive radio networks/Cyber-physical systems
    Wireless Communications and Networking
    Internet of Things Network
    Big Data Network
    Cloud Communications and Networking
    Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
    MIMO-based networking
    Quality of Service and resource management
    Satellite and Space Communications and Networking
    Optical Communications and Networking
    Software-defined networking
    Multimedia Communications & Smart Networking
    Green Communications & Computing
    Signal Processing for Communications
    Network and Information Security
    Information-centric networking
    Wireless security and privacy
    Communication QoS, Reliability & Modeling
    Cognitive Radio and Networks
    Smart Internet of Things Modeling
    Pattern Recognition and Image Signal Processing
    Digital Audio and Video Signal Processing
    Antenna and Microwave Communication
    Radar Imaging and Target Recognition
    Video Coding and Image Signal Processing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-27
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